Upgrade Your Windows with Anti-Microbial Film for Maximum Protection

Anti-Microbial Film

The anti-microbial film is a revolutionary product designed to offer maximum protection for your windows. The Anti-microbial film is a thin layer of film applied to the glass surface of your windows, doors, and other glass surfaces. It is designed to kill and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses, keeping you and your family safe and healthy.

The benefits of using Anti-microbial film are endless. Not only does it protect you from harmful bacteria and viruses, but it also prevents the growth of mold and mildew, making your home or office a safer and healthier place to be. Additionally, the Anti-microbial film is easy to install and does not interfere with the aesthetics of your windows. This means you can enjoy a safer and healthier environment without compromising the beauty of your windows. Trust Evolution Tint & Wraps for all your window tinting and wrapping needs, and take the first step towards a healthier and safer environment today.

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What is Anti-Microbial Film?

The anti-microbial film is a thin layer of film applied to glass surfaces such as windows, doors, and mirrors. The film contains an antimicrobial coating that helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms on the glass surface. This type of film is designed to provide long-lasting protection against germs and other harmful contaminants that can compromise the cleanliness and safety of your living or working environment.

The anti-microbial properties of the film are due to the use of silver ion technology, which has been proven effective against a wide range of microorganisms. The film is transparent and can be easily applied to any glass surface without affecting the clarity or appearance of the glass. The anti-microbial film is a cost-effective and convenient solution for maintaining a clean and healthy environment. It is ideal for use in homes, offices, hospitals, and other settings where hygiene and cleanliness are top priorities.

Types of Anti-Microbial Film

Different types of anti-microbial films are available in the market today, each designed to cater to specific needs and requirements. Here are some of the most common types of anti-microbial films:

Clear anti-microbial film is a popular type of film that is transparent and designed to maintain the clarity of the glass surface while protecting against harmful microorganisms. It is ideal for use in areas where visibility is essential, such as hospitals, clinics, and offices. A clear anti-microbial film can be applied to any glass surface and is effective against many bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Its clear nature also makes it ideal for use in residential settings, such as bathrooms and kitchens, where cleanliness and hygiene are essential. Overall, the clear anti-microbial film provides an effective and convenient solution for keeping glass surfaces clean and

The tinted anti-microbial film is a popular anti-microbial film designed to protect harmful microorganisms while reducing glare and heat. This type of film is ideal for use in areas exposed to direct sunlight, such as offices and homes, and can help to reduce energy consumption by decreasing the need for air conditioning. The tinted anti-microbial film comes in various shades, from light to dark, and can be customized to match the aesthetics of any space. Overall, the tinted anti-microbial film is an excellent solution for those looking to enhance the comfort and safety of their room while also reducing energy costs.

Privacy anti-microbial film is a type of film that offers both privacy and protection against harmful microorganisms. This film creates a frosted or opaque surface on glass, making it difficult for people to see through while also providing a barrier against bacteria and viruses. Privacy anti-microbial film is ideal for use in bathrooms, offices, or other areas where privacy is necessary and where there is a high risk of bacterial or viral contamination. This type of film can also be customized to include patterns or designs that enhance the aesthetics of a space while providing privacy and protection. Overall, privacy anti-microbial film is an excellent solution for improving privacy and safety in high-traffic areas while reducing the risk of bacterial and viral contamination.

The decorative anti-microbial film is a type of film that offers both aesthetic appeal and protection against harmful microorganisms. This film is designed to enhance the look of glass surfaces while also providing a barrier against bacteria and viruses. The decorative anti-microbial film comes in various colors, patterns, and textures, allowing users to customize the look of their space while maintaining a clean and safe environment. This type of film is ideal for use in homes, offices, or other spaces where the appearance of glass surfaces is essential. The decorative anti-microbial film is easy to install and can be applied to various surfaces, including mirrors, shower doors, and glass partitions. Overall, the decorative anti-microbial film is an excellent solution for those looking to enhance their space's aesthetics while maintaining a clean and safe environment.

The reflective anti-microbial film is a type of film that provides both privacy, heat reduction, and protection against harmful microorganisms. This film works by reflecting sunlight away from the window, reducing heat and glare while providing a barrier against bacteria and viruses. The reflective anti-microbial film is ideal for use in homes, offices, or other areas where privacy and energy efficiency are necessary and where there is a high bacterial or viral contamination risk. This type of film comes in various shades, from light to dark, and can be customized to match the aesthetics of any space. The reflective anti-microbial film is easy to install and can be applied to various surfaces, including windows, mirrors, and glass partitions. The reflective anti-microbial film is an excellent solution for enhancing privacy, reducing energy costs, and maintaining a clean and safe environment.

Residential Window Tint

Features and Benefits of Anti-Microbial Film

The anti-Microbial film has several features that make it an effective and reliable solution for keeping your windows clean and safe. Here are some of its features and their corresponding benefits:

Anti-microbial Properties

The film has an antimicrobial coating that helps prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms. This feature ensures your windows remain clean and free from damaging contaminants, promoting a healthier and safer environment.
Automotive Tinting

Scratch Resistance

Anti-Microbial film is designed to be scratch-resistant, making it durable and long-lasting. This feature ensures that the film remains intact even after prolonged exposure to wear and tear, maintaining its effectiveness in keeping your windows clean and safe.
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Clear Visibility

The film is virtually invisible, meaning it does not interfere with the clarity of your windows. This feature ensures you enjoy clear and unobstructed views of your surroundings while benefiting from the film's anti-microbial properties.
Heat Control Film

Easy Installation

Anti-Microbial film is easy to install, making it a convenient and hassle-free solution for keeping your windows clean and safe. The installation process is quick and straightforward, and the film can be easily removed and replaced if necessary.
Commercial Window Film


Compared to other cleaning and disinfecting solutions, Anti-Microbial film is a cost-effective solution that provides long-lasting protection for your windows. This feature ensures you can maintain a clean and safe environment without breaking the bank. Overall, the features of Anti-Microbial film ensure a reliable and effective solution for keeping your windows clean and safe. From its antimicrobial properties to its ease of installation and cost-effectiveness, the film provides numerous benefits that make it an excellent choice for any home or office.

How Anti-Microbial Film Works

The anti-microbial film works by utilizing a silver-ion technology that is embedded within the film itself. The silver ions in the film effectively kill and prevent the growth of bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms that come into contact with the film’s surface.

The science behind this technology is based on the fact that silver ions are positively charged and can bind to negatively charged sites on microorganisms, such as bacteria and viruses. When silver ions come into contact with these microorganisms, they can disrupt their metabolic processes and cell division, ultimately killing them.

The silver-ion technology in the anti-microbial film is effective against many microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and algae. The technology is also proven safe for human use, as the silver ions are not harmful to human cells.

The anti-microbial film is easy to apply and can be used in various settings, including hospitals, schools, offices, and homes. Once applied, the film protects harmful microorganisms for an extended period, making it a reliable and long-lasting solution for maintaining a clean and safe environment.

Overall, the science behind the anti-microbial film is based on using silver ions to kill and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms. This technology provides a convenient and effective solution for maintaining a clean and safe environment in various settings.

Usage and Installation

Installation of the anti-microbial film is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. Here's a general guide on how to install anti-microbial film on windows:

Clean the window surface thoroughly using a cleaning solution and a squeegee. Ensure no dirt, dust, or debris is on the glass surface.

Measure the window surface to determine the size of the film required. Cut the film to the appropriate size using a sharp blade or scissors.

Spray the window surface with a solution of water and soap. This solution will act as a lubricant allowing you to position the film accurately.

Peel off the protective backing on the film and carefully position it on the window surface. Use a squeegee to remove any air bubbles and smooth out the film.

Use a sharp blade to trim any excess film around the edges of the window.

The recommended use of anti-microbial film is to apply it to all glass surfaces in high-traffic areas with a high risk of bacterial or viral contamination. This can include hospitals, schools, offices, and public transportation. It is recommended to replace the film every 12-24 months, depending on the level of use and exposure to contaminants.

To optimize the performance of the anti-microbial film, it is essential to keep the surface clean and free from debris. Use a non-abrasive cleaning solution and a soft cloth to wipe down the film regularly. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the film's surface. Additionally, ensure that the film is applied correctly and without air bubbles, as this can compromise the film's effectiveness.

The Anti-Microbial Film is an essential addition to any space looking to enhance safety and cleanliness while reducing energy costs and privacy. This film offers protection against harmful microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses, and comes in various types, including tinted, privacy, decorative, and reflective options. Installing the Anti-Microbial Film is easy, and it can be customized to match the aesthetics of any space. We encourage customers to purchase this product today and experience the benefits of a clean and safe environment. For more information or to buy the Anti-Microbial Film, please call us at (704) 218-2047 or info@evolutiontintandwraps.com.

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